Saturday, June 30, 2012


Once again people, here is another example of Corruption and Cover-up by the Pubic Ministry office of Aruba

In this video report from a member of the Aruban media, one can clearly see the media’s distrust of the Public Ministry office of Aruba. This media outlet and Mr. Elvis Weert, is advising the public that they will not tolerate for a crime committed by the Public Ministry office of Aruba and the Aruban police force to go unnoticed, hidden or unpunished!


We are asking everyone to back up Elvis Weert and this media outlet that are not cowards and has the courage to go against injustice in Aruba.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Aruba's Deputy Police Commissioner, Gets award from Hillary Clinton as a "Hero acting to end modern day Slavery", while women in San Nicolas are sold for $30.

This is disgusting and an absolute Joke! Mrs. Jeannette Richardson-Barrs is  a "Hero acting to end modern-day slavery", yet she very same person that allows for the sale of young minority women for $30 USD in her own back yard.   The same person that also serves as the Deputy Police Commissioner of Aruba and  allows for young women from poor and impoverished countries to flock to Aruba, out of dire necessity and extreme poverty, to be sold in the town of San Nicolas.

Conveniently left out of the bogus reports created by Mrs. Richardson-Baars to deceive the United States, are the hundreds of young Black and Hispanic women from poor and impoverished countries that are solicited to Aruba every day to sell themselves for a mere $30 USD per client. Women that must give up their bodies to no less than 3 to 4 men per day just to pay the fees alone that are owed to the bar owners in charge of the brothels.  Women that must give up their bodies to almost 10 men per day just to gain $150 USD to eat and provide for their poor families abroad. Women that must also live in the most disgusting, dirty and substandard conditions and in rooms that few human beings would even care to step into, let alone to live-in. Women that are traveling to Aruba with work permits labeled as waitresses and hostesses, when the truth is that they are coming to Aruba to be nothing more than prostitutes sold for cheap in the town of San Nicolas, Aruba. Young Black and Hispanic women that sometimes don’t even know that they will have to prostitute themselves until after they arrive in Aruba and are forced and coerced to remain on the island doing prostitution.

This is clearly wrong, and a horrible form of modern-day slavery, which no “Hero” with true concern for human rights, or human dignity and the enslavement of the human body and spirit would allow for such a heinous practice to thrive and exist!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

(English Version)

The Aruban people should vote against any system that would leave an outsider govern its legal system as they please and without the control of the Arubans.

As an Aruban, it is our responsibility to order the government to enforce a system that would safeguards us against history repeating itself.

The van der Sloot’s were friends of those in charge of the Judicial and Justice system in Aruba.  Van der Sloot, like many other Dutch in Aruba escaped justice, while we the Arubans were left to suffer the consequences.

Aruba’s name was tossed into a negative spotlight as a direct consequence of the unsecured/broken system that we have allowed to continue in Aruba.

Arubans wake up! We must vote for our leaders to secure our Judicial and Justice System NOW.

Order the Aruban government, AVP to enforce a law that would uphold a just legal system by ordering that ALL legal, Judicial and justice proceedings be audio or video recorded.

The Aruban court system is a remnant of Slavery applauded by the Dutch, still haunting the Arubans today!


BY: Alex Mathew
Tel: (297)586-9011
Fax: (297) 586-9012

(Dutch Version)

De Arubaanse burger moet tegen elke methode stemmen dat toelaat dat buitenlanders ons gerechtelijk en juridisch apparaat naar eigen dunk bestuurt, zonder dat er controle van Arubaanse zijde bestaat.

Als Arubanen is het onze verantwoordelijkheid om een juridisch bestel af te dwingen  dat ons rechtszekerheid biedt, en voorkomt dat de geschiedenis zich herhaalt.

Van der Sloot, zoals vele andere Nederlanders, heeft de Arubaanse justitie ontsprongen, terwijl de Arubanen de gevolgen hiervan moesten blijven lijden.
Familie van der Sloot was bevriend met hen die verantwoordelijk waren voor het Arubaans gerechtelijk bestel.

De naam van Aruba werd in een kwaad daglicht geplaatst als direct gevolg van  dit onzekere/verbrijzeld systeem die wij in Aruba hebben laten voortduren.

Arubanen ontwaakt! Wij moeten voor leiders stemmen die het Arubaans juridische en rechterlijke apparaat per direct herstelt.

Geef opdracht aan het Arubaanse parlement en regering (AVP) om met een initiatief wetsvoorstel/wetsontwerp te komen dat gebiedt dat alle gerechtelijke procedures op elektronische wijze worden opgenomen.

Het Arubaanse Gerecht is een overblijfsel van de slavernij dat nog altijd door de Europese Nederlanders wordt geapplaudiseerd, doch dat vandaag de dag de Arubanen nog steeds achtervolgt.

Wij verzoeken aan de regering en parlement van Aruba: dat al onze gerechterlijke procedures op Aruba worden opgeslagen elektronisch- Tekent het verzoek! Bell (297) 586-9011 om het verzoek te ondertekenen of bezoek onze web page: -all-court-proceedings-in-aruba-to-be-taped-or-video-recorded


BY: Alex Mathew
Tel: (297)586-9011
Fax: (297) 586-9012

(Papimento Version)

E Arubianonan mester vota contra cualke systema cu lo laga un hende di afo goberna nos systema legal manera cu nan kier anto sin e control di e Arubianonan.

Manera un Arubiano, ta nos responsabilidad pa forsa e gobierno pa bin cu un systema cu lo garantisa nos, cu historia lo no ripiti su mes.

E van der Sloot’s nan tabata amigo di e hendenan encarga cu e systema hudicial y di husticia na Aruba. Van der Sloot, manera hopi otro hulandes europeo a scapa for di husticia, tanten cu nos Arubianonan si ta wordo laga pa sufri e consequencianan ey.

Aruba su nomber a wordo benta den un spotlight negativo como consequencia directo di e systema hudicial insigur/kibra, cu nos a permiti pa continua cu ne na Aruba.

Arubianonan lanta for di sonjo! Nos mester vota pa nos leadernan  segura nos systema hudicial y di husticia AWOR.

Ordena e gobierno di Aruba, AVP pa enforsa un lei cu lo garantisa un systema legal husto door di hasi posibel cu TUR procedimientonan legal, hudicial y cu ta cay bo di husticia lo wordo graba.

E systema di corte di Aruba ta un remanente di sclavitud aplaudi pa e Hulandes Europeo, cu ta persigi e Arubianonan awe ainda! 

Nos ta pidi e gobierno di Aruba: Pa tur procedura di corte na Aruba wordo graba electronicamante! Firma e petishon! Yama (297) 586-9011 pa firma e petishon of bishita nos pagina web:


BY: Alex Mathew
Tel: (297)586-9011
Fax: (297) 586-9012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I witnessed a Dutch Judge, Mrs. Ingrid van Acker, stating in court that the Aruban prison KIA/ICN is in perfect condition and can detain innocent people in this facility. Judge Ingrid van Acker documented that this facility is beneath Human Right Standards, now her mind abruptly change.

Remember only colored people are detained in this facility.

Joran van der Sloot was set free within a very short period of time! The white Dutch are not detained in this facility for long periods of time.

The Aruban prison KIA/ICN is DISAPPROVED!

European Court of Human Rights stated clearly in their 2005 decision against Aruba and the Netherlands that one must be protected from the weather and outside elements; This facility, KIA/ICN does NOT meet these very basic human right standards.  
Attorney Zara won this case against the Government of Aruba but the Dutch Judges refused to put the verdict into effect.

The Judges and Government of Aruba collaborated together to pull off one of their corrupt dirty schemes…once again!

Note: This same Dutch Judge, Mrs. Ingrid van Acker is the President of the Supervisory Committee of the KIA/ICN.

This person is awaiting trial, yet have to suffer thru these circumstances in Aruba. When In the cells, one must wear dark sunglasses to protect the eyes from the bright light that shines directly in your face 24 hours per day! When it rains ones is drenched in the cells!

Another example of this so called great prison that the Dutch Judges elect to lock up only black and colored people in. Not their own kind (EUROPEAN DUTCH)! (Note: this picture is taken from a different angle then the picture placed above)

Attorney John F. M. Zara
Palm Beach 33-B
Noord, Aruba
Tel: (297) 586-9011
Fax: (297) 586-9012


An Aruban Attorney has been severely threatened by a Dutch Judge, Hans E.  de Boer, demanding him to  to act corruptly against his clients, an  African American citizen and 2 black Arubans.

Attorney John F. M. Zara refuses to cooperate with Judge de Boer and Judge Yarzagaray’s corrupt scheme against his clients or any of his clients!

Who the Fuck do these corrupt Bastards think they are?

ARUBANS WAKE UP, don’t let them sink the fucking island!
Remember they’re raping our neighbor island, Bonaire!

Attorney John F. M. Zara
Palm Beach 33-B
Noord, Aruba
Tel: (297) 586-9011
Fax: (297) 586-9012