Thursday, November 15, 2012

 Aruba has allegedly announced its decision to not investigate the killings of two Colombian citizens as a result of blatant police error in Aruba, local media reported Monday.
The Aruban authorities' decision to not investigate the police shooting and killing of two Colombians, caught on video by a cell phone, was allegedly caused by a chain of impudent errors made by policemen on the Dutch island of Aruba on February 22.

News network Noticias Uno reported Monday that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Aruba gave the Colombian consul a diplomatic note explaining that no one would be prosecuted for the deaths that resulted in the police action in Aruba's capital of Oranjestad.
The submitted document apparently admitted that one of the police officers while trying to open the car door where the Colombians were seated in traffic "accidentally" fired a shot, not injuring anyone but consequently instigated other police officers to open fire on the vehicle in confusion, resulting in killing the two Colombian men in the car. After reaching this conclusion, Aruban authorities decided that there was no reason to prosecute any of the officers involved, including the first police officer "because his accidental shooting was not fatal," despite the fact that the seemingly innocuous error ended in the Colombians' demise.
Initial local reports of the incident relayed various versions of what happened and why police surrounded and fired on the car in the first place, including the Colombian's supposed involvement in robbery and that the Colombians in the car open fired on the police first.
 Despite the confusion, it seems to be that the Colombians were wanted by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) for drug trafficking charges, leading to the police shooting in the middle of traffic in a downtown shopping area of the island, killing the two Colombian citizens and arresting a third, reported the island's newspaper The Daily Herald.

The Aruba authorities have been very quiet about the actual events since February and originally stated that large amounts of cocaine were found in the car, according to local Aruba online news source, AVS.

Other sources, such as Noticias Uno, however have confirmed that no drugs or arms were actually discovered in the vehicle.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Abused by the Public Ministry office in ARUBA

Arubans and all other nationalities, except the European Dutch, are likely to be violated during an investigation against them in Aruba!


Well because, Colored people are detained automatically without the possibility of any relief (bond) in Aruba; (again we must remember that this only stands for colored people).

And how about where these people are held 
during said detention?????

In Aruban police stations that are way worst then the 
concentration camps that Hitler designed and established for the JEWS, "colored people".

ARUBA’S Prime Minister MIKE EMAN should be aware of this fact, and should not let history repeat itself in Aruba.

1. The cells are over 100 degrees
2. Have Extremely Poor ventilation; AND
3. Are Filthy and infested with rats

A recent court verdict has shown that the Aruban Government is abusing the prisoners at the KIA/ICN correctional facility.

I believe it’s time to file a lawsuit against the Government and to have a criminal investigation launched against the Public Ministry office of Aruba for knowingly detaining, national and international suspects,(especially those that are still presumed innocent), under these tortuous conditions.

It’s such a shame, but Aruba’s law is really becoming the biggest joke around the world.

Innocent People are being detained and put under these extreme conditions
WITH OUT RELIEF OF DETENTION for interrogation purposes;  simply because cell phones were found inside the correctional facility…………However ALEX MATHEW was granted a cell phone in this same facility for almost two years, by the very same Judge of Instructions Yarzagaray that is now locking people up for this very same thing.

This same Judge Yarzagaray allowed for Alex Mathew to maintain a cell phone in his cell!!!

ARUBAN people please question this because corruption brings destruction.

This is exactly how terrorism starts.

Those who love Aruba please question this.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The people of Aruba are being harmed by the severe pollution caused by the Valero Refinery in San Nicolas. San Nicolas along with its surrounding cities have and continue to be polluted in the most unimaginable and inhumane form. As a result, Aruba’s children are being harmed, the rate of cancer has drastically increased, the rate of other sicknesses that are a direct result of the severe air pollution that is continuously spewed into the towns of Pos Chiquito, Savaneta and San Nicolas, Aruba has drastically increased. 

The detrimental and long term health effects caused by the air pollution from this Refinery that is placed right next to local businesses, homes, 

Schools, daycares, etc. is horrendous and can even be lethal to the people in the surrounding areas.


We call for a Class Action Lawsuit against the Valero Energy Corporation to pay monetary compensation to the men, women and children of Aruba who have been severely harmed by this Refinery.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Here is an Aruban Lawyer, John F. M. Zara discussing how corrupt a Judge in Aruba is! The Governor of Aruba has been notified of these facts thru an official complaint submitted against this Judge to the Governor; yet the Governor of Aruba has done nothing about it.

This  lawyer is now being pursued and targeted personally and threatened with disbarment, for speaking out against the injustice and corruption taking place within Aruba’s Judicial system and for upholding his client(s) rights!

This matter is also in association with the case known as “STREA” or the “Foxy Lady Case”,  in which an American citizen, Liliana Mathew, Passport # 444927452,  is being set up by the authorities in Aruba on bogus Human Trafficking charges.


Watch this video on Youtube!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Attorney John F. M. Zara is not allowed to enter the prison facility KIA/ICN.

The case of the KIA detainees vs. The Government of Aruba, and which should be heard publicly is now being attended to within the walls of the prison facility itself.  

The Judge attending this case, has banned Attorney Zara from being present at these hearings.

In fact Attorney Zara is not even allowed to attend as a public spectator to view these hearings.

         KIA/ICN-Filthy/Inhumane Cells          
KIA/ICN-Bread for 3 Detainees in one Cell                

KIA/ICN-Illegal Ventilation System in front of Cells
KIA/ICN-Excessive Light Penetrating Cells


One must remember that:





Could this be reason why Attorney Zara is being SabotagedBoycottedDiscriminated Against?

Attorney John F. M. Zara
Palm Beach 33-B
Noord, Aruba
Tel: 297-586-9011
Fax: 297-586-9012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Billions continue to be invested in the infrastructure of Aruba. The 
Government’s greatest concern is making the island great for the tourists visiting the island and for the future of Aruba’s tourism. Bravo!!! No one could argue with the fact that this goal is quite commendable, but what about the local people of Aruba? What is being invested in their future and into what is every human beings greatest asset … their health and well-being! Have they been forgotten?

The government has invested greatly on one half of the island for the sake of its precious tourism, while the other half of Aruba continues to be polluted in the most unimaginable and inhumane form.  Aruba’s children are being harmed, the rate of cancer has drastically increased, the rate of other sicknesses that are a direct result of the severe air pollution that is continuously spewed out in Pos Chiquito, Savaneta and San Nicolas, has drastically increased. Aruba’s children are suffering; Aruba’s families are suffering while all of Aruba’s greatest investments are concentrated in its infrastructure for tourism, as well as for the politicians financial gain

It is time for someone to look out for the locals especially the children of Aruba that have no financial means to fight against this grave injustice.   Thankfully, a group of concerned citizens have 
decided to hire an Attorney, John F. M. Zara to file a 
class action lawsuit against the Refinery, to hold them responsible for the atrocities they are committing against the public and the children of Aruba.

Stop the abuse, Stop the kickbacks, Compensate the public! 
Billion dollar lawsuit against the Refinery

Citizens and Residents of Aruba you are entitled to monetary  compensation. Contact Attorney Zara at 586-9011 or at  or you may visit his office located at  
Palm Beach 33-B for more information.
Attorney John F. M. Zara

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


 Prime Minister Mike Eman and his assistant Mike De Meza have clearly deceived the public of Aruba and the international community, by claiming that they are focused on Green Energy and Human Rights.

  • Yet they are allowing the Refinery to operate against all human right standards (only in a city that resides primarily blacks).
  •  They are allowing women to be bought for monetary compensation (only in a city that resides primarily blacks).
  •  They are allowing the prison to continue to operate below the rights of any human being (only in a city that resides primarily blacks).  

Why is it that only in black communities are these atrocities allowed to take place?

ing. Jossy Figaroa, Director of DOW

The Director of the Department of Public Works, Engineer Jossy Figaroa, claims that measures must be taken ASAP!

No one wants to voice their truthful opinion openly due to the fact that the Government is known for retaliating in a very corrupt manner against anyone that goes against them. 


Time to make a change!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


(Aruba's Deputy Police Commission, Jeanette Richardson-Baars & Prime Minister Mike Eman)

According to the Prime Minister of Aruba, Mike Eman, The Deptuy Police Commissioner of Aruba is an "example to all countries in the world". With great affection, Prime Minister Eman even goes so far as to state that "Jeannette, OUR Jeannette, is one of the 10 people who have been set as an example to all countries in the world on how to effectively combat Human Trafficking. 

In that case, we should all analyze the exact steps taken by this Deputy Police Commissioner of Aruba regarding Human Trafficking, and we should all know what Jeanette Richardson-Baars and her Police Department really did to win this award from the United States.

1.     Rather than shutting down the illegal brothels operating in full blown glory amongst the women and children of San Nicolas Aruba, the Aruban authorities and this so called “Hero acting to end modern-day slavery” shut down the absolute one and only bar in San Nicolas NOT doing Prostitution, while leaving all the other bars open to sell Black and Hispanic women for a measly $30USD?

2.     In order to remove Aruba’s name from the Human Trafficking “blacklist” that the United States put Aruba on, Jeannette Richardson-Baars along with members from the Police Department that she oversees, setup a bogus human trafficking case under all sorts of false pretenses in order to make it appear as if Aruba is working to combat Human Trafficking.

 In fact in order to deceive the United States on their first ever reporting period on the Annual Trafficking report, Mrs. Richardson-Baars and her department embarked on a vendetta based campaign against  the manager of the Foxy Lady Bar, Alex Mathew; whom also happens to be the very same person that several prominent members of the Aruban Government, the Public Prosecutors Office of Aruba along with the police department that Mrs. Richardson-Baars oversees, have a long standing history of personal problems and conflict with. 

3.     In order to meet the requirements set on these reports from the United States and  for Aruba to claim to have suddenly identified up to 46 adult victims of Human Trafficking in 2010 (while having absolutely no victims the years prior), the Aruban police went around the world working like criminals to obtain these so called “victims”.  

4.     In a blind pursuit to win a conviction (as this is one of the requirements set by the United States for Aruba to meet),  the Aruban police went to the extremes of pressuring and coercing women to declare themselves as victims, offering money and incentives in exchange for making declarations against Alex Mathew and the other defendants of the Foxy Lady case, threatening witnesses whom refuse to go along with their schemes against the defendants in the Foxy Lady, falsifying witness statements/declarations in order to meet their goals, etc.

5.     Structuring witness statements by interrogating the witnesses in a manner that is totally illegal and with all sorts of suggestive questions in order for the Police to obtain the answers suitable to them; And not to mention the Aruban authorities and members of Richardson-Baars Department contacting witnesses to coach and instruct them on what to declare against the defendants during interrogations.

Thus the Prime Minister of Aruba, Mike Eman, should really tell the world which of these acts  committed by Jeannette Richardson-Baars and her Police Department, does he think the world should use as an “example”.

The fact of the matter is this award is an absolute disgrace!   Jeannette Richardson-Baars and the actions taken by her and her Department in the Foxy Lady case just to appease the United States and just to reach a Human Trafficking conviction, is an absolute disgrace!

The Aruban people deserve and expect much better.  Mrs. Richardson-Baars and her Police department’s actions are an utter disgrace to the Aruban people and disingenuous to the people in which they serve. Their continued acts of lies, corruption, cover-ups, and setups are the exact reason to which Aruba’s name has and will continue to be thrown into a negative spotlight; Corruption will always backfire sooner or later! Every lie is exposed one day……one way or the other!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I, Alex Mathew want to know if prostitution is legal in Aruba.

I have asked this question several times but with no result since it’s clear that there is great interest amongst many to keep 
the truth hidden.

All Judges have refused to answer this very simple question.  All Public Prosecutors have refused to answer this question. The Minister of Justice has refused to answer this question. Therefore I’m asking the media and the Public of Aruba to demand its leaders and the Judges and Prosecutors of Aruba to
 answer this question.

As an Aruban citizen I have the right to know. The Public of Aruba have a right to know. And most importantly the people of San Nicolas have a right to know, since it is only there city that is being plagued with prostitution, and only in their city is this disgraceful practice allowed to take place right in front of their 
women and children.

Letter to Chief Prosecutor of Aruba, Peter Blanken

Friday, July 6, 2012

CORRUPTION IN ARUBA!: The Aruban Government AVP is severely violating t...


The Aruban Government AVP is severely violating t...
: The Aruban Government AVP is severely violating the Aruban people and hiding these violations from the international community and aut...

The Aruban Government AVP is severely violating the Aruban people and hiding these violations from the international community and authorities.

This Government is even using false reports to hide these various forms of abuse and to receive awards.

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Once again people, here is another example of Corruption and Cover-up by the Pubic Ministry office of Aruba

In this video report from a member of the Aruban media, one can clearly see the media’s distrust of the Public Ministry office of Aruba. This media outlet and Mr. Elvis Weert, is advising the public that they will not tolerate for a crime committed by the Public Ministry office of Aruba and the Aruban police force to go unnoticed, hidden or unpunished!


We are asking everyone to back up Elvis Weert and this media outlet that are not cowards and has the courage to go against injustice in Aruba.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Aruba's Deputy Police Commissioner, Gets award from Hillary Clinton as a "Hero acting to end modern day Slavery", while women in San Nicolas are sold for $30.

This is disgusting and an absolute Joke! Mrs. Jeannette Richardson-Barrs is  a "Hero acting to end modern-day slavery", yet she very same person that allows for the sale of young minority women for $30 USD in her own back yard.   The same person that also serves as the Deputy Police Commissioner of Aruba and  allows for young women from poor and impoverished countries to flock to Aruba, out of dire necessity and extreme poverty, to be sold in the town of San Nicolas.

Conveniently left out of the bogus reports created by Mrs. Richardson-Baars to deceive the United States, are the hundreds of young Black and Hispanic women from poor and impoverished countries that are solicited to Aruba every day to sell themselves for a mere $30 USD per client. Women that must give up their bodies to no less than 3 to 4 men per day just to pay the fees alone that are owed to the bar owners in charge of the brothels.  Women that must give up their bodies to almost 10 men per day just to gain $150 USD to eat and provide for their poor families abroad. Women that must also live in the most disgusting, dirty and substandard conditions and in rooms that few human beings would even care to step into, let alone to live-in. Women that are traveling to Aruba with work permits labeled as waitresses and hostesses, when the truth is that they are coming to Aruba to be nothing more than prostitutes sold for cheap in the town of San Nicolas, Aruba. Young Black and Hispanic women that sometimes don’t even know that they will have to prostitute themselves until after they arrive in Aruba and are forced and coerced to remain on the island doing prostitution.

This is clearly wrong, and a horrible form of modern-day slavery, which no “Hero” with true concern for human rights, or human dignity and the enslavement of the human body and spirit would allow for such a heinous practice to thrive and exist!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

(English Version)

The Aruban people should vote against any system that would leave an outsider govern its legal system as they please and without the control of the Arubans.

As an Aruban, it is our responsibility to order the government to enforce a system that would safeguards us against history repeating itself.

The van der Sloot’s were friends of those in charge of the Judicial and Justice system in Aruba.  Van der Sloot, like many other Dutch in Aruba escaped justice, while we the Arubans were left to suffer the consequences.

Aruba’s name was tossed into a negative spotlight as a direct consequence of the unsecured/broken system that we have allowed to continue in Aruba.

Arubans wake up! We must vote for our leaders to secure our Judicial and Justice System NOW.

Order the Aruban government, AVP to enforce a law that would uphold a just legal system by ordering that ALL legal, Judicial and justice proceedings be audio or video recorded.

The Aruban court system is a remnant of Slavery applauded by the Dutch, still haunting the Arubans today!


BY: Alex Mathew
Tel: (297)586-9011
Fax: (297) 586-9012