Saturday, November 16, 2013


The Foxy Lady Human Trafficking case is another prime example of the ongoing Judicial, Justice and Government corruption infecting the island of Aruba! The corruption by the Aruban Government, Dutch Prosecutors and Dutch Judge Joop Drop are evident in this case. They have launched a bogus case against the defendants in the Foxy Lady case, by claiming that professional dancers were misled, while this is the very crime that they, the Aruban Government and members of the Judicial and Justice system in Aruba have been doing for years. For decades they have allowed illegal prostitution in the town of San Nicolas, and profited millions from this crime. It is also a fact that the Government office of Aruba, known as the DIMAS, covers this up by withholding all written proof that this crime is taking place in San Nicolas, Aruba;  and falsely misrepresenting the function of work that these girls will carry out in Aruba, and that in the end is hard core prostitution of young and disadvantaged girls for a mere $28 USD.

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